Thank you to all for your very kind comments. It truly was done as a tribute to Jim's work....just as the last one was a tribute to Jim Kibler's work.
JerryWH....the engraving is getting better but the fact that it is any good at all is due to your patient instruction (and I need to come get some additional lessons...will talk to you about that again in the spring.)
Smart Dog...I am not pleased with the smoothness of the background. The pictures make it look smoother than it really is. I did do a lot of scraping and burnishing, but, as you mention, it is very difficult to get a smooth background surface especially on curly maple. And again, thanks for the tip on using the Sutherland & Wells polymerized tung oil finish. I love that stuff !
D. Taylor ....after being uncertain for quite some time, I have decided I like the ebony cheek piece, but you are correct, I could have done without it. As far as details go, it is much easier for me to copy someone else's work as the original builder has already exercised his own artistic talents and creativity. All I have to do is copy the details of the original. I did add some engraving to the rear ram rod pipe and the trigger guard that were not part of Jim's rifle, but that is partly just me fighting off my tendency to engrave any surface that looks too plain. (i.e. It is killing me not to add something to the bow of the trigger guard !)
And again....thanks to all for the encouragement, past tips, and kind words. Merry Christmas to all and all the best in 2017 !
Dave C