Collector, I'm assuming your questions are to me. First, opening a canal along the path of the crack is not a bad idea, as long as there is enough area to make it practical. I tried that before, and added a bunch of small drill holes,(about a #52) so I could inject Gorilla Glue using a small hyperdermic needle. The Gorilla glue expands as it cures filling all the nooks and crannies. Just don't overdo it, you can always add more. That being said it is not my preferred method as I would rather not remove any more wood that neccissary and you get more bang for the buck by drilling and filling, where entire surface is in contact with adhesive strengthened by the steel of bit/pin. I would rather use a hickory dowel but there comes a point were thinness of dowel negates effectiveness and strength of repair. As to terminus of crack, driving in something like a picture frame clip usually does more damage than good as it will split the wood in a new direction, especially with maple. There are many ways to skin a cat. But this is effective and relatively safe. If the gun was broken in half then clamping of some sort would be needed of course, but not in this instance.