I have never considered the guns that come from my bench as replicas...they are originals. Most EMULATE firearms from history, and all are inspired by historical work. The word "replica" is less than inadequate - it is mis-representative.
Here's another one...about 11 years ago I sought to actually re-open a business making muzzle loading firearms. The rules have changed since I closed Taylor Made Guns in the early 80's. Yes I had the name before the golf mogul. In those days, a representative of the Firearms Office in Victoria came to my shop and inspected and signed my books. It was usually a retired Mountie, sometimes a man I had worked with in that other life. Now, a federal license is required. There is no category for an artisan gunmaker...only a MANUFACTURER. This word invokes images of a factory with many workers running conveyor belts. And the annual license fee reflects that image. Obviously, I am not a manufacturer, so I returned to my grass roots, and am a hobby artisan again.
And here's another...when I first made a muzzle loading pistol, it required registration papers. I stamped the required 5 digit serial number on the bottom flat of the barrel - DTS-01. The little green registration came back and it read "Homemade". But what that first effort started was a file on me as a 'manufacturer', so now when I register them, that area of the form says "Sapergia". Call it progress if you like.