Points can be made without getting personal. Any more remarks that are largely aimed at the person, not the idea, will result in a warning which is step 1 to getting a vacation from ALR.
Regarding shooting original rifles, the thoughts on this have changed since the early years of the NMLRA, when it was common. Most builders of double flint guns recycle old percussion shotgun barrels. I've shot my share of original percussion double barreled shotguns and an original rifle or two. Think about the thickness of an original double percussion shotgun barrel compared to a small bore squirrel rifle. Hmmmm. Just food for thought. Would you ban the building of double barrel flint guns as unsafe? If not, why are they safer than small bore rifle barrels, given the same level of care and testing?
I can't speak for the OP but if he says that in DEMOS he does not use live ammo loads but he intends to hunt with a gun, I am not confused by that.