other comment on the matter of lock placement....almost all of those old kentuckies "did not" have touchhole
liners, therefore, if they did build them like I like to do, they would have drilled the hole right in front of the plug face,
and, as a result the lock would automatically be at least an 1/8" more toward the breech end of the barrel. On the other
hand, I have seen old plugs with the notch or groove in the front, will leave it up to the builder, whatever tickles your fancy. Hugh, I take it that you have seen one come apart this way? I never have seen this, not saying it
can't happen, but it would have to be an extremely rare event. I've been going to Friendship for over 30 years, and
have been shooting muzzleloaders longer than that, and, to be truthful, have never heard of it happening......Don