Tim, it must be an optical illusion, because the whole finial is flat, with the lines being cut into the surface. For the surface, refer to the very first phot, when the finial is spear-shaped. None of the leaves vary from that plane. SOme of the lines, however, are cut with a wide bevel, producing more shadow, and there are little shading cuts where one leaf overlaps another. That will make it look dimensional.
Thanks for the kind words. Yes, some day this gun, too, will be done. I look forward to finishing it, to have a feeling of completion, but I will then suffer the loss of working on such a fun project. Each part of the gun can be seen as a project, and I get small senses of accomplishment at every turn, but the crescendo will be at the end, when the final assembly is done, and the last coat of wax goes on the stock. This will be the culmination of all these little projects into one orchestral piece.
Mein Gott, ve vax poetik dis day, eh.
Cody, Jim, the seed you planted is germinating. I just finished the @!*% sight, which two full days of steady work, and I'm not about to discard it. What I will do, is revisit the look, and see if it needs to be changed. This will depend on the engraving which happens on the BP return, toeplate, and trigger guard.