Author Topic: Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43- Photos Fixed  (Read 92699 times)

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #200 on: February 26, 2017, 08:36:20 AM »
Hey Curtis,
nice work on the rifle!!  Looking really good.
I thought the muzzle treatment was pretty cool to see, and frightening!

I wondered about the vent pick loops.  Looked to me like both ends of the loop may go in to the stock, rather than just a single pin as you had started. 

Also curious about the charcoal blueing on the barrel.  I thought Jack suspected it was originally bright or fire blued.  Was this a personal choice or do you have better information?

Again, great work, and I enjoyed watching it.



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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #201 on: February 26, 2017, 08:51:26 AM »
Howdy Chowmi!  Yes the muzzle treatment was pretty frightening to do, but really not too bad once you get into the rhythm.  I have some feelers out and if I learn the original has rings I will likely add some to my muzzy.  The charcoal blue is mainly a personal preference.  A fire blue is pretty fragile and though a bright barrel would possibly be correct I wanted some contrast and durability for the rifle.  If I were making a bench copy instead of an "inspired" copy I would go with what was suspected on the original.  Glad to hear you are still enjoying the thread, it is probably getting boring for most folks!  It's almost finished tho'!

« Last Edit: February 26, 2017, 06:58:09 PM by Curtis »
Curtis Allinson
Sometimes, late at night when I am alone in the inner sanctum of my workshop and no one else can see, I sand things using only my fingers for backing


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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #202 on: February 26, 2017, 10:56:35 AM »
Not boring for me...  very very interesting actually. Every installment leaves me craving for the next episode!  (y)

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #203 on: February 26, 2017, 03:54:36 PM »

Do you have any fear that you might of messed with the accuracy of the barrel with the filing? 

It would be interesting to of had a few groups shot with it before and after, just to see.

It does look good.


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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #204 on: February 27, 2017, 05:18:58 AM »
Thanks for your post, Heavies, you just made my day!   ;D

Snapper, that fear was in my head the entire time I was filing the muzzle!  I took great care to not get into the lands of the rifling with the file, and to maintain consistency all around.  I will be anxious to put it on paper and see how it shoots.  I agree it would be great to have a before and after comparison.  I could benefit from some of your highly developed shooting skill to help me sight it in!

Curtis Allinson
Sometimes, late at night when I am alone in the inner sanctum of my workshop and no one else can see, I sand things using only my fingers for backing

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #205 on: February 27, 2017, 03:25:19 PM »
My secret is to close my eyes and jerk the trigger.

My taste are simple:  I am easily satisfied with the best.  Winston Churchill

Online Bob Roller

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #206 on: February 27, 2017, 04:11:37 PM »
Thanks for your post, Heavies, you just made my day!   ;D

Snapper, that fear was in my head the entire time I was filing the muzzle!  I took great care to not get into the lands of the rifling with the file, and to maintain consistency all around.  I will be anxious to put it on paper and see how it shoots.  I agree it would be great to have a before and after comparison.  I could benefit from some of your highly developed shooting skill to help me sight it in!


From what I have seen about loading undersize round balls patched with heavy materials it
appears that accuracy isn't at the top of the list anyhow. I was indoctrinated by Bill Large
who thought any barrel and load combination that wouldn't produce a 5 leaf clover or better
at 100 yards was a failure.

Bob Roller

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #207 on: February 27, 2017, 07:06:12 PM »
   As I will paraphrase a well known individual. " Accurate rifles are the only interesting rifles" or something like that.  Mr. Large had a good point.  Thanks Mr. Roller.   Mike

Offline Chowmi

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #208 on: February 27, 2017, 07:11:55 PM »
My secret is to close my eyes and jerk the trigger.

That's not fair!  You stole my secret!!




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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #209 on: February 28, 2017, 09:16:34 AM »
Thanks for your post, Heavies, you just made my day!   ;D

Snapper, that fear was in my head the entire time I was filing the muzzle!  I took great care to not get into the lands of the rifling with the file, and to maintain consistency all around.  I will be anxious to put it on paper and see how it shoots.  I agree it would be great to have a before and after comparison.  I could benefit from some of your highly developed shooting skill to help me sight it in!


You are welcome and I can't wait to see this shoot!

On the muzzle treatment.  I really like it and looks like it will load very easily.  I had been thinking about this and coning of the barrel.  I think that as long as the ending of the rifling is somewhat square and even, and the patch and ball disengages the rifling square, I don't think accuracy would be affected.

This rings true with other "target" rifles or any other accurate rifle guns.

I have a posting about patch types in the 'shooting' section.  I was thinking that the sooner the patch can separate from the ball the better for accuracy.  I wonder if this type of treatment to the barrel would help that action occur quicker?  as the patch and ball leave the rifled portion of the barrel and transitions to the coned and filed area, the patch has room to be 'stripped' off the ball sooner.  Well probably rambling now.. 

Very beautiful work, can't wait to see it shoot!  :D

Offline Curtis

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #210 on: March 01, 2017, 08:15:50 AM »
Thanks for your comments fellers!

I am posting a few photos of the charcoal bluing process I used.  It is a very simple process really, and this is the second barrel I have done this way.  I won't go into a whole lot of detail as the process was previously posted here:

Two things were done a bit different this time around, the first is that the charcoal was heated in a pot for an hour or so in an effort the drive out any residual moisture, and I lengthened the time the barrel was in the fire.  I'm not convinced drying the charcoal made any real difference.  The charcoal granules were shaken and stirred frequently.  The barrel was degreased inside and out in preparation for bluing.

A couple inches of charcoal were poured in the pipe, and the bore of the barrel was filled with charcoal and plugged with a wad of newspaper.  A open-ended cardboard tube was placed in the pipe to prevent scratching the barrel, and the barrel was slid down the tube.  Charcoal was poured around the cardboard tube, and the tube was withdrawn a bit with each pour, keeping the barrel centered in the pipe.  A steel plate was wired over the open in to act as a lid.  A good length of heavy gauge wire was used as a handle:

Small parts were placed in a tin half full of charcoal, then the container was filled to the top and covered with a lid.

The fire was started and when a good bed of coals formed, the pipe and tin were placed in a fire pit of suitable dimensions for the job.

Wood was placed on top and I tried to keep an even fire going the entire length of the pipe for approximately 3 hours.

The tin and parts were removed from the fire and allowed to cool sufficiently to handle.  The barrel and pipe will stay HOT a long time.  When I set the pipe out of the fire it was hot enough to set the grass on fire, so be careful!  I think they could be left in the charcoal overnight, but I was not that patient.  ::)

Small parts and barrel as they appear after coming out of the charcoal:

I let the patina cure over night, the barrel was hung on a wire through the tang bolt hole in the shop.  The barrel and parts were oiled with a heavy gun oil and left for a day. 

Barrel before oiling:

Parts oiled and barrel after waxing:

The finished product may not be everyone's cup of tea, I kind of like the look.  I may do the next barrel directly in the firepit and see how that turns out!

Well I did it again, typed a lot more than I set out to do!  I'm almost done with applying finish to the stock and will try to get some photos of the assembled rifle in a day or two.

Thanks for looking,


« Last Edit: February 01, 2020, 02:10:23 AM by Curtis »
Curtis Allinson
Sometimes, late at night when I am alone in the inner sanctum of my workshop and no one else can see, I sand things using only my fingers for backing

Offline Ed Wenger

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #211 on: March 01, 2017, 02:05:08 PM »
I like the look, too, Curtis.  I'm not convinced as to the historical accuracy of this treatment, but I'm not necessarily always a stickler for such things either.  At any rate, I think it looks cool!  I have a pipe I scrounged, and am looking forward to giving this a try.  Great info and photos, thanks!

Ed Wenger

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #212 on: March 02, 2017, 03:12:43 AM »
Great job, Curtis. Placing the barrel directly in the coals yields a smooth midnight blue with some purple blotching where the heat was higher. I recommend pure hardwood charcoal available at most grocery and warehouse stores. Brands like the "Big Green Egg" and "Cowboy" charcoal work well. In the past, I've had the rear sight and barrel lugs installed before bluing. I skip the oil and slightly heat the blued barrel and apply wax. Here's one of my attempts. The finish is actually scale that will crack if your inlets aren't well done. Other than that, it's fairly sturdy.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2017, 03:15:32 AM by SingleMalt »
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Offline hortonstn

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #213 on: March 02, 2017, 03:54:00 AM »
You have done super job explaining all your steps and photographing the build it will really help other builders
Great job
Across the river
Paul Horton

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #214 on: March 02, 2017, 06:35:06 AM »
Ed, don't quote me on this but I believe some barrels were thought to be charcoal blued - while on the other hand I am almost certain they would not have used the pipe method!  Hope it works out for you when you try it, and give me a holler if you have any questions.

Singlemalt, that barrel looks great!  I left the barrel lugs in but removed the sights.  I considered leaving them in, just decided not to.  did you use the charcoal in a pit to blue that?

Thanks Paul, I hope it does help someone out!  How are things over there across the river these days?

Curtis Allinson
Sometimes, late at night when I am alone in the inner sanctum of my workshop and no one else can see, I sand things using only my fingers for backing

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #215 on: March 02, 2017, 12:39:48 PM »
Curtis, you could easily use a pit. I live in a subdivision and could see my neighbor, the yard fanatic/busybody causing trouble. A guy I used to work with had a brother in law who made a steel box for me out of scrap iron 6" X 6" X 5'. I build a fire in it and place the prepared barrel in it and cover with fresh coal.   "Whatcha cookin'?"  "Steel. 12L14."   ;) :o
Never drink whisky that isn't old enough to vote.

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men."- Plato

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #216 on: March 03, 2017, 08:11:50 AM »
"Whatcha cookin'?"  "Steel. 12L14."   ;) :o

Too funny!  I'm fortunate, the only nosy neighbors I have here are the cows in the field next door!  They seem to believe anything I tell them.  BTW, you should send me a few pics of that rifle, I would like to see them.

Curtis Allinson
Sometimes, late at night when I am alone in the inner sanctum of my workshop and no one else can see, I sand things using only my fingers for backing

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #217 on: March 03, 2017, 08:35:42 AM »
I will be otherwise occupied for the next couple of weeks and won't be in the shop to finish things up, so I thought I would post a few pics of what I have so far.  I need to add the feather loops and make a proper ramrod (old ramrod hanging around the shop used for the below photos).  Still need to clean the oil off the brass furniture, sight it in, etc.  I will post updates when I get everything finished.

Here is what I have for now:

« Last Edit: February 01, 2020, 02:16:34 AM by Curtis »
Curtis Allinson
Sometimes, late at night when I am alone in the inner sanctum of my workshop and no one else can see, I sand things using only my fingers for backing


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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #218 on: March 03, 2017, 12:11:40 PM »
Absolutely stunning. 

Offline Marcruger

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #219 on: March 03, 2017, 03:30:23 PM »
I love it.  Send that beauty to me please.  Seeing the progression of work makes it even extra special. The barrel finish came out just super.  It'll be interesting to see how it shoots.  :-)  Best wishes   Marc

Offline BOB HILL

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #220 on: March 03, 2017, 05:00:23 PM »
Really like this rifle. Beautiful. Thanks for taking us on this trip........Bob
South Carolina Lowcountry

Offline oldtravler61

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #221 on: March 03, 2017, 05:31:58 PM »
   Curtis thank you very much. Outstanding job....! Sure hope this goes to the tutorial section. As I have never done a barrel this way. Does it affect the overall strength..?  Thank you ...Mike

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #222 on: March 04, 2017, 01:40:19 AM »

Now quit sittin around... and get started on that next one.  ;)

Great job,
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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #223 on: March 04, 2017, 02:01:15 AM »
Beautiful job Curtis.

Offline iloco

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Re: Current project by Curtis - Christian's Spring rifle inspired by RCA #43
« Reply #224 on: March 04, 2017, 02:19:15 AM »
Fine looking rifle.