A good friend bought a very nice Bedford, with all the bells, and whistles, some years ago. He loved it, and shot it a lot, resulting in the marginal quality lock wearing out. He loved the fit, and feel of the Bedford so much that he wanted to build himself a new one. But, realized he didn't have the skills to execute the fine inlay, and carving, present on his worn out Bedford, he decided to make a Bedford shimmel. He made a Bedford style lock out of a Siler kit he extensively reworked, and bought a good quality barrel, for the project. The Bedford style shimmel is nearly as striking as the fancy one, because of its stark simplicity. His shimmel has no triggerguard. The trigger resembles the rear trigger on some early set triggers, in that it closely contures the wrist of the gun, and requires more of a lifting motion, than a rearward pull.
Many guns in collections show signs of having been upgraded during the early twentieth century to Kentucky status from a more common shimmel, or barn gun.
Hungry Horse