I have known Niall for around twenty years, and every time I run into him which is not often, he has another fine piece to show me. We sit and pour over his rifles and discuss all of the aspects. I think we inspire each other, perhaps in a similar way that 'you all' do from the States. There are precious few builders in Canada and even fewer out here in the West. So we are like tiny islands in the ocean and unless we leave those islands to explore the rest of the sea, it is difficult to get feedback. This site goes a long way to rectify that discrepancy.
Niall, do yourself a favour and take a couple of your rifles to Dixon's Gunmaker's Fair. You will get honest and humbling evaluation, and critique, and meet many others of a like mind. I have only been twice, but immersing yourself in this stuff makes a huge difference in your end product, and in your satisfaction level too.
Another such builder out here is Cody Tetachuck. He introduced me to this site, though he now doesn't contribute as much as I would like. I think I can safely say the Cody, Niall and I are the only builders west of Ontario...probably in a population of 15 million. If I am wrong, I'd like to hear otherwise.
...and great rifle Niall!