I had one of the best days shooting I've ever had last weekend and I didn't even fire a gun. Took my 10 year old neice to her first ever muzzleloader shooting match I've shot BB guns with her and once a .22, but she'd never fired a bigger gun before. She was excited to go with Uncle Dave though, so I borrowed a pal's baby Beck rifle, a 2/3 scale .40 percussion Beck he built years ago for his son when he was young. A LOT of kids in our club have gotten started with that rifle.
We had a X-sticks match for the day, but kids get to shoot off the bench so I got her set up, went over some basics and safety stuff, then started being loader/gun bearer for her. I wish I had those young eyes, cause she's a crackerjack with a gun! This tiny little girl who spends most of her time in dance and ballet class was ripping X's and animal targets like a pro. She got 7th place out of 11 shooters, humbling some of the experienced older guys, had fun and wants to go again!
And of course she wants me to make her a gun of her own, so guess who just jumped to the front of my winter build list??