Author Topic: 090208-4 Jamestown NC Halfstock  (Read 9533 times)

Offline nord

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090208-4 Jamestown NC Halfstock
« on: April 03, 2009, 07:42:45 PM »
May have been made in the 1830's

45 cal. and shoots good! 39 7/8? barrel, 55? overall @ 8lbs. 9oz. with tapered barrel (no swamp, if original length) I can make out a ?J.? on the barrel, but that is it, would welcome any additional info. others could provide.

The owners Comments:
I believe O. M Dixon, based on a picture in Mr. Brigg's literature, but I need to look at the signature again to try and make it out, very faint.

« Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 03:22:31 AM by Dennis Glazener »
In Memory of Lt. Catherine Hauptman Miller 6/1/21 - 10/1/00 & Capt. Raymond A. Miller 12/26/13 - 5/15/03...  They served proudly.