for me, hooked breech barrels always get removed, ignition end dunked in a bucket of plain ol' tepid water, patched jag plunged 'til the spit out looks clean. lock is tepid water scrubbed clean. then the oiling begins. too easy and quite fast.
pinned full stock barrels NEVER get removed just for cleaning. pull the lock, aim the touch hole down, plunge away. also easy and probably faster than a hooked breech cleaning.
however ... whence new and just after staining but before clear coating, the barrel channel and lock mortises of all my trad ml stocks get a liberal dose of quality water thin CYA (hot stuff brand, to be exact). this saturates the wood and seals/waterproofs it better than anything else (well, maybe save slow set epoxy). after seconds of curing, the final protecting finish of choice goes on to all of the stock wood.