If you are not familiar with making or sharpening scrapers there are a lot of YouTube videos on the subject. I have and use quite a few in various shapes at various stages of the stock shaping. Sandpaper only comes in toward the very end and for final smoothing. Some scrapers I make from old saw blades, others from any sort of semi springy steel I find that look promising. Try stuff, you will soon learn what works.
I used to go through all the "steps" in sharpening straight edged scrapers (and a few of the larger rounded ones) you'll see in those videos. These days I simply file along the edge a few strokes with a 12" mill bastard file then quickly burnish the edge with a polished steel round bar. I do make the last few strokes at a very slight angle to the edge. That's it, quick and easy, and they cut rapidly, just as if you went all "perfect" and ultra anal in trying to roll the edge and all that jazz.
Cast a low angle light over your stock, wet the stock with some mineral spirits, those marks, indentations and most other unwanted stuff will show up much better.