This will be my first rifle build. My plan is build a nice slim and simple .32 caliber (or smaller) squirrel rifle. I have a great interest in the Appalachian rifles that were built flint and took the transition and became a percussion rifle. Also I tend to find most beauty in simpler objects so hopefully this build will be somewhat straightforward.
I am on the hunt for a barrel. Something 3/4" across the flats. .25, .30 or .32 caliber.
It will sit in a nice piece of walnut with browned iron buttplate, forged trigger guard, and double set triggers. I also plan on making a primitive, somewhat crude peep sight, a copper acorn side plate, and a not a patchbox but a greasehole. Probably no engraving or inlays, but I saw a little bit of wire inlay and may attempt putting my initials somewhere on the rifle.
Like I said I am on the hunt for barrel and also a piece of wood. Feel free to pay forward whatever you may have to offer whether that is knowledge, a book, some wood, an old worn out tool. Anything. I am a young guy (19) and am trying to get other young folks into this craft.
In particularly, I am looking for a copy of (title escapes me) The book on constructing a gunlock.
Using plans I purchased at The Log cabin shop in Lodi, I gave a buttplate and the triggerguard an honest attempt. The buttplate was made from 16 gauge steel brazed together. The triggergaurd was forged and brazed. I want to remake the buttplate from 1/8" steel and weld it together, and make the triggerguard in the square-made on the back of the anvil-style, and weld it instead of braze.
Thank you for taking a look.