I recently bought a Pedersoli side by side percussion shotgun in great looking shape. I was however,not happy with the trigger pull on the right hand lock. Also the hammer on the lock,when on half cock was back much farther than the hammer on the left side at half cock. This bugged me! The trigger pull on the right lock felt like 15 pounds! I figured no problem here , I'll just heat the tumbler cherry red and let it air cool,then I could deepen the half cock notch and work on the full cock position with my file and stones
After heating the tumbler and letting it cool I tried to file it. No go!! Hard as a diamond , my file did nothing ,it just skidded across it. I couldn't believe it! I tried heating it a second and third time ---------- NOTHING
What gives?? I've worked on original tumblers and found that many times you can file them without drawing out the temper
How can I draw the temper out so that I may work on it??
Thanks, Wayne