I'm still working on my first build so I can give a "newbie" prospective.When I decided to get into this,you get an idea on a rifle type,school ect.You narrow it down to ability,unless your pretty darn good with them chisles,carving, wire work ect. you may want to save all that for the future builds.Same goes with certain styles that lend themselves to be difficult to emulate by folks new to the process.After you figure it out and know your limitations and picked something,next comes the money choices.Flat out as others have said save the extra bucks to get something good,you get what ya pay for!Your only going to build one first,might as well make special.While spending quality money on a quality kit you also will save yourself some headaches and headscratching during the build because something's are going to go together better,you will see where the extra money went!I spent a gee whiz on a parts kit and still wasn't happy with some of them and swapped them out costing more but I knew I wasn't going to be happy with the old ones.Quess the bottom line is jump into the deep end,plenty of life guards here to pull you out if you get in over your head,just ask before you go out to far or get in to deep.Enjoy it,take your time and remember you only have one first.