I have a bunch of golf balls.....Used to be, they were full of rubber band material. Are they now solid and safe to drill?
Yes only the premium balls were rubberband over core, with balata or surlyn covers (when I was a hot young golfer
). Now they're all 2, 3, 4, or more layers plastic stuff. Anything old enough to have bands in it methinks will also show some deterioration/discoloring in the cover and all but Surlyn will be easy to cut with any sharp tool-right into the bands.
Amazing compliance and spin one can get from the newer premium plastics jobbies.
If you know a surveyor who does boundary work, ask him/her if they have a bucket of balls at work or in the truck. We find them everywhere and I've probably brought in 120 in the last year. Freebies are not hard to come by.