I wanted the peep low to the bore, lower than it could be with a nut between the sight and tang. That is the main reason I decided to put the nut under the tang.
Last summer I could still shoot good with the primitive sights even though the rear was blurred a little, but by Christmas it was blurred so bad I was lucky to hit the target. Though the peep has helped immensely it works best in sunlight. When it gets late and shadows are everywhere my shots string high, because I have a hard time telling where the top of the front sight is in relationship to the target. Not really something I can't live with though. I think it will take more practice to get comfortable with the sight picture. I will post a photo.
My idea when I started the project was to sight dead on with 30 grains as I use that charge for casual shooting and squirrels, and I hoped the 50 and 60 grain loads would impact about 2 inches high for my Turkey hunting and any possible shots at a distance. When I was finishing up the other evening I shot a couple of shots each with 50 and 60 grains and they did impact about 2 inches high. Though I am interested too in how much a revolution will make in POI I might not try it until after Turkey season.
There is no bevel on the front sight. I made it high enough that it would end up rounded like most primitive front sights.