OK Roger, you asked for it. Like the general syling, really like the lock molding with the thin point at the rear. This isn't something that every gun should have, but a nice touch here. These are the most important things, so you've done very well INMHO.Dressing down parts could be better. Rear pipe, for example, shows an edge. You've really done well, just some technical things. At this period the barrel and the lock would be bright. Brown with time, but then the stock is to good and new. What's with the bright screw on a brown lock. I would take back the brown, HAVE COURAGE, to show some use, but represent it as bright when it left the shop. Screws should match.
The trigger is way to late. I recognize it. Bad choice. You had this in your drawer and decided to save a buck I bet. Heat it to red heat and bend it a little more straight. It'll look a little better and more convincing.
Overall, very nice.