I chuckle when I see folks list all of the amazing uses for WD-40.
I usually ask, "Hmmmmm.....would you use Kerosene In that situation?"
90 percent of folks reply something like, "Heck no."
I then explain that WD-40 is predominantly Kerosene, and they invariably look shocked.
My friend in Houston worked for the petrochemical industry, and they supplied WD-40 with their raw products. He knows the formula.
Ever notice how it smells like Kerosene? Yup.
I once saw a list that included removing crayon from walls and cleaning stuck on matter from a baby highchair tray. Youch!
If you are cleaning your stock with WD-40, ask yourself the question. If the answer is "yes", then all good.
Hope this helps. God Bless, Marc