Not sure how to interpret that actually, or if it is really pertinent to the point. I would expect any load to shoot a smaller group from a rest. My comparison went to the point of a previous comment about ball/bore size and what results, this in context of obturation. Shooting offhand does not validate the accuracy potential, nor is comparable accuracy with different loads invalidated by offhand my opinion. Until now I have been viewing demonstrated accuracy in my rifle in context of field use, not scientific analysis of accuracy.
I'm not certain the endeavor proposed here on the question of load inertia will assure less dispersion either, but it might answer a few questions about obturation and perhaps management of fouling or charge compression. On point of my comments about small balls and patch thickness, the rifle shoots on average about 2" groups of 5 at 50 yards. Sometimes a bit less and sometimes a bit more. Patch thickness does not seem to influence that within those narrow parameters. I'll hunt with either, any day of the week, and keep my shots within that range until I demonstrate suitable accuracy at greater distance. The image below is somewhat representative of what I'm speaking of but the load specifics are not immediately available. Maybe one patch or the other, not sure. Same day in any case.

Whether I'm skilled at offhand shooting is another question entirely but the target below was fired on the same day and it largely self explanatory. Together, the targets represent my standard with each rifle and how I employ each for field use.

I guess the thought I had was this: If a .440" ball shoots sufficiently well at a given distance and comparably to a load differing only by greater patch thickness,
why? There is an introduced variable that does not seem to have any great effect. Is it the result of obturation or magic?
I was just looking at a couple of balls recovered at the range after a days shooting and pass this along without any conclusions whatsoever. One measures .455" in diameter over what would correspond to the groove diameter, or the raised portion of the engraved rifling pattern. I don't know the groove diameter in the barrel but the bore was pin gauged at .450" and I'll say that is accurate +/- .001". The patch material is very fine weave, type unknown, measuring .010" in thickness. Similar thread count to silk in any case, and it left no discernible weave impressions on the ball. The ball is noticeably flatter on the base than forward part of the ball. It looks like the result of obturation but I won't make that claim, simply because of the nature of the media than stopped it, very soft white fluffy sand. The ball is not appreciably deformed otherwise. The engraved portion of the ball measures ~.015" in length.
The second ball is not so substantially engraved and is likewise unmarred so far as visual inspection reveals. It does not have the appearance of upset. The engraved portion is ~.010" in length. Both were recovered during an early phase of load testing when the charge quantity ranged from 30-50 grains of Goex fffg powder.
Collectively they say nothing concise about the matter of obturation, but at this point, and in context of the thread, they give reason to pursue the question so far as I'm concerned.

I am inclined to query what is going on inside the breech end of my rifle since Dan brought it up. Along the way I'll let you know what comes of it.
Dan the Other