To start, the actual stock outline has to be correct and judging from the many LRs shown on various websites, this doesn't happen w/ many 1-4 gun builders who start w/ a blank......this is the one advantage of some precarves w/ the right outline. If the outline is correct, bandsawing on the line leaves very little wood to be removed.....and after rough rounding of the shapes, the result is nearly equal to the wood left on most precarves.
Because building MLers wasn't my prime interest, I didn't attend any shows displaying originals and my early work did suffer, but the books showing originals, especially the RCA vols 1 &2, had to suffice. Also, attending the seminars and classes taught by experienced builders didn't happen and this I regret to this day. Interpreting the pics takes a lot of studying and finally the correct shapes happened.....but it still took too long. ALR was a big help by displaying the work of experienced builders. The builders who live in the northern part of the east Coast certainly have a big advantage by having easier access to viewing originals........Fred