I will take photos of my Buchele swivel breech with similar style, heavily carved, engraved, and wire inlayed.
The one you pictured, Dave, is particularly interesting to me because it depicts the escape of Samuel Brady from Indians about 1780. The story goes that he was being pursued by hostile Indians and leaped 21 ft across a canyon cataract of the Cuyahoga River one block away from where I grew up in Kent, Ohio. I was brought up on the story of “Brady’s Leap”. He supposedly ran on several miles to Brady Lake and hid there under water beneath a fallen tree and breathed through a hollow reed. They didn’t catch him. The butt stock carving shows him under water with the reed in his mouth, and above him are Indians carrying war clubs trying to find him.
The story resonates with me, but not the style of the rifle. I stand with Bob Roller on that issue.
Bill Paton