Howdy folks! This is a rifle I built for a fella here in Missouri - my creative thoughts behind this gun were to emulate a southern Ohio style rifle with strong western Pennsylvania influences.
The barrel is a 42", 13/16ths Colrain .40 cal, Lock is a L&R Manton, triggers are Davis small double set. The patchbox, sideplate, toeplate, thimbles, and many of the inlays were hand made from sheet brass, the wedge escutcheons, trigger guard and buttplate were purchased. The barrel wedges are captured. The barrel was hand inlet.
Patchbox and sideplate engraving were influenced by original work of Thomas Allison and Samuel McCosh. Engraving on the lock plate was inspired by an original Ketland lock I have on a rifle that had been converted to percussion. Remaining engraving was done to try and carry a theme. Triggers, rear sight, cock screw and most other screws were hot blued using potassium nitrate, lock plate was blued with Brownell's Oxpho blue and rubbed with fine steel wool. The stock was stained using aqua fortis over tannic acid, and then Laurel Mountain stain after blushing the AF. Finish is Permalyn sealer rubbed back with Behelen rubbing compound, similar to what has been often mentioned on this site by Bill Shipman and Ed Wenger.
If you are still awake after reading all of that, how about a few pictures?

Sorry, got kinda carried away with the pics. I will be happy to try and answer any questions. Thanks for looking!