Author Topic: BENDING A FOWLER BARREL  (Read 7583 times)

Offline jerrywh

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« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2017, 08:47:05 PM »
 I have never received a bent barrel. Some of my friends have. I did see a very high art gun broken in half by UPS shipping. A $50,000.00 gun stock broken in half.  I also saw a gun that the barrel had broke through the tang because the barrel was shipped in the stock and the package was slammed but down on the ground. On valuable guns I do not ship with the barrel in the stock for that reason.
Nobody is always correct, Not even me.

Offline Mike Brooks

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« Reply #26 on: August 20, 2017, 08:49:53 PM »
After carefull consideration I believe this is all a personality thing. Some folks just have to have loads of gadgets to get the job done and others just get out the Woo-Woo stick and have at it. Both ways end up with a barrel that shoots where it's supposed to.
  I don't think it is a personality difference.  It's a difference between a primitive and a higher tech method. The barrels you see in the photo of my machine are custom made. The muzzle thickness is .032" they are silver brazed together and are 32" long. They cost about $5000.00 to make a that point. They have a bend of .010". The end cost of those barrels will be about $40,000.00 or more when engraved. You just don't jump up and down on them.
  They aren't the same as a colerain $175.00 barrel. That's the difference Mike.  What's right for you won't work for me. Some of the men I know who make custom guns make guns that sell for $250,000.00 or more. My definition of top gun maker is not the same as yours.  That's the difference. It has no reflection upon our relationship. I don't know you personally but I think we would be real good friends because Many of my friends are
 like you and I help them make guns all the time.  Once in a while I make a plain guns for fun.
I'll go along with all of that.
Say, any of you boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin'?

Offline Mike Brooks

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« Reply #27 on: August 20, 2017, 08:58:12 PM »
Hmmmm.......interesting but I do have a question what percentage of barrels come from your suppliers bent?a shipping issue?
I had a tube of four  48" trade gun barrels come all bent by the shipper. I called Hoyt and asked him what he wanted to do. he asked me if I wanted him to straighten them or do it myself and save the shipping. We compared notes on bending barrels and it turns out to be same/same. I straightened them myself, had all four done in less than 1/2 hour.
 "usually" barrels with large breeches and small muzzles will shoot low if all you have is a front's the physics of it some hurts my head to think about it too much, so I don't. :o
Say, any of you boys smithies? Or, if not smithies per se, were you otherwise trained in the metallurgic arts before straitened circumstances forced you into a life of aimless wanderin'?