I like using the search function, I don't have to ask questions and then worry someone will try to ride me!
Fantastic. We have a winner.
And then some inquiries _
deserve_ the "riding" when it is about a subject we just spent two or three weeks hashing out (and nobody is ready for a rehashing (over again already))
Just like we have done before, roughly every six months for the last twelve years.
Hmmm, let me think of a couple: finishes, woods, patch lube, bore cleaning, the p-word, wiping a bore, patch thickness/source/shape, charge for a given bore, and similar. It's nice when some folks do a tiny bit of homework to frame their questions. The collected posts and their
searchable content is a hallmark of forums and what can make them such valuable resources.
I suppose I'm not much help as I do regularly
refer new folks over to here from FB groups, where ignorance runneth amok!