I was a flyfishing guide, fly tier for many years and I can remember in my 20's "making fun of" the old !@#$% and their flip down magnifying lenses.....as I easily tied on a #28 midge on 9x tippet, and then could see a trout take it at 50 feet.
(For you non flyfishers.....if I showed you how small that is you would think I was pulling your leg!

I fished and shot competitively in complete denial that I was ever going to get older.......then I hit 40. It was like passing through a portal.
Between the slow recoveries from injuries, thinking I still had a low 90's fastball, and softer midsection I started to notice the close vision was getting a little sketchy. It would come and go just enough to make me think it wasn't happening..............and now by 45 I can't hold my cell phone far enough from my face where it's clear enough AND still close enough to actually read. I go into a restaurant and I have to take a picture of the menu and blow it up to avoid just pointing at something I don't want to eat LOL
Something about an astigmatism.
And of course I went from actually being able to shoot open sights pretty decently to "I THINK the front sight is lined up with the top of the rear sight?"
I'm blind! Well not really but it feels like it..........I mean this is worse than being called "Sir" by an attractive young lady LOL
The kicker for ME is that I'm left eye dominant but shoot righty (A product of a left handed mother / righty father)
So I have 35 years of built up right handed shooting muscle memory and for some reason only my right eye is blurry on the rear sight.......my left eye is crystal clear on the sights! It's like a cruel joke.
So I feel like I have the decision to make of figuring out a fix for the right eye, or simply put the gun in the other hand and start over!
How many of you guys who 'Can't see" have this only seriously affecting one eye? Anyone else have any success flipping to the "wrong" side this far along in the game.
And of course I have all right handed flinters so I'm not sure if I'm risking an eyebrow.