I have made several knives so far, and none have been absolutely straight, nor noticeably warped. The most recent, I am very happy with, even though the blade is not perfect. It's hard to tell, but if I sight down the blade holding several different ways, I can make out a little warp. It's really hard to see unless you hold it just right. Happened during the quench. I tweeker it gently after quenching and thought I got it out but saw it again after tempering. Am I being too much of a perfectionist? Does a tiny bit of catiwompus add character and set a handmade knife apart from mass produced cookie cutter store bought knives. I will always strive for perfect in my work, but I don't intend to scrap a very nice functional blade due to an imperfection. What say ye, gentlemen?
I have to finish the handle and pommel tomorrow and I will post pics.