some very nice people many of which can shoot with the best could not be dragged to a range for any reason. Lots of justification for thier abscece none of which reflects on thier abilities or sportsmanship or penchant for friendly comradery. Muzzle brakes, idiots, bad light, a general dusty and loudness. To some a range is about as appealing as a walmart parking lot. On top of that some folks might have prefered or needed (kids or work) a couple decades of doing something else on the weekend, A guy also could have spent 30 years learning, experimenting, filling notebooks with lessons learned and then spent the next 30 unable physically to leave the house, Or heck I bet not everyone's job lets them mingle at a range.
Ranges/competition are great for lots of reasons and are a resource we should have more of but I can understand why some shooters would rather watch golf (or have some other torture)then attend a range/competition.