So, what do I shoot in the old girl.
While at Oakridge shoot a few weeks ago, I borrowed a bullet mold from my buddy Rick Weber. He just happened to of made a modern rendition of a 12 bore, and he cut a mold for his new rifle.
Rick was kind enough to let me borrow his mold.
The bullets are too small for my rifle and if I used 3 wraps from my paper, the bullet fits snuggle in the bore.
I dont know that I really want to shoot that heavy of a bullet in this rifle. Not sure it was made for it.
These bullets check in at 850 grains. Compared to a 550 grain RB.
I put a .45 cal bullet next to the 12 bore just as a comparison.
So, if I shoot RB what dia. ball should I go with and patch? .715 RB and .020 or .030 patch?
I see that on flea bay there are 2 .715 molds at least currently for sale.
Your thoughts and opinions?
anyone got a mold that they want to sell?