Coming along very nicely Runar.
If I may, I would like to see some refinement in the molding around the lock plate forward of the snail. I'm posting an image of the pistols that are the reference work for this particular build. In it you can see that there is a concave cut forward of the lock plate's bolster, and then the molding line follows more or less parallel to the edge of the plate until it rounds the forward nose and continues underneath. Notice that your molding is quite narrow along the back top edge of the plate...this should be copied along the front end of the plate as well, at least to a greater degree than you have illustrated. Make any sense?
Also note that the lock plate forward of the snail does not have a sharp square corner at the barrel channel, but is rounded. This detail continues into the wood as well.
And finally, for now, the hammer nose is split. The purpose of this is to allow the cap to fragment and fall away after firing, rather than remain exploded into the cup of the hammer. I do that work with a hack-saw, and files, and cut right down to the floor of the cup.