Hello Everyone.
This is as good a time and place to introduce myself. I've been looking through this site for a couple of years, at the urging of Little Joe. I have other friends on this site like Smallpatch whom I've known for close to 20 years.
I've had muzzleloaders since the late 70's. Didn't start seriously shooting them till about 20 years ago.
I'm a hunter first a shooter second and a builder third.
At the first Rendezvous I went on, a fellow broke his wood ramrod and it went partway through his hand. Needless to say it ruined his weekend.
I knew there had to be a better way than carrying a range rod or having an ugly plastic rod in the rifle.
I started at first using 1/4 inch stainless rod laminated between two pieces of hickory. That was ok with 7/16 rods. but difficult to do with smaller rods.
I now use 5/32 piano wire or stainless rod for all my ramrods. They are not hard to build, but are labor intensive.
They are great for trail walks and for hunting. Best of all they look good on the rifle.
This is the first time I'm posting so hopefully I can get a picture of my latest ramrod and rifle to come through.
It is 3/8ths at ebony end tapering down to 5/16th. It has a 5/16 brass tip at the bottom cross pinned through the 5/32 piano wire. The top is ebony again it is cross pinned.