On a pre-carved stock I doubt you could inlet the barrel that much deeper and fix that problem. You would likely cut into the rod hole. You'd exchange one problem for another.
I build from blanks almost every time. I do build kits when I am asked to, but that doesn't happen very often. The last one I did was for a man that sent a Chambers kit to me about 7 years ago.
But I have learned in the past 35 years of building that the most expensive kits often make for the lest expensive guns. The best kits have the fewest problems to fix, before you can build a nice gun.
Some kit guns can be made "ok at best" and nothing you can do will turn them into a high class gun.
Because I build for a living, I fit the guns I make to the customers that order them. Length of pull, drop at comb, heel, and cast off are all "standard" from me when a customer orders. So that is the reason I seldom build a kit.
The best kits are quite good, but just do not allow much custom fitting. But that is not to say you can't make a great gun from a kit. You sure can, but you need to start with a good kit.
Such "deals" are usually end up costing the most to build, sometimes in cash and always in time.