Arthritis in shoulder.
. I am building a "Hawken" with a flattish BPCR buttplate.
Still A Hawken ? ? 
Anyway.... Hawken furniture and stock design. 
Some time ago I posted about an old friend who built a Hawken copy using the Robideaux drawings
and copied it to fine dimensions.He shot it and called me and said my muzzle crowning was a bad
job and all he could get was a 3 leaf clover group at a measured 150 yards.It was an 1 and 1/8"
Douglas barrel. His father shot it and said the crescent butt plate was an abomination and had his
son,Sid Estep make one with a shotgun butt stock and it looked great and was easier to shoot and
the accuracy ws equal. Sid made locks for a while and they were good ones but he didn't have name
recognition and decided to quit lock making and never made another one.This was over 40 years ago.
Bob Roller