Huntschool...First, thank you for your comments on my build. I did purchase and study prior to my build "The Gunsmith of Grenville County". I read, re-read, and did many of a Google search to find out and attempt to decipher as much information on the Leman....and "How To" as I could.
But I believe that there is nothing like "diving in" and doing something like this in order to determine if you can build a historical rifle with as few mistakes as you can.
Well....I've learned a lot about what to do.....and more importantly...what not to do.
I know from my life experience that nobody is born with all the answers to all the questions. So, we attempt to gain knowledge through study, actions, and listening. Experience is a great teacher. And I've learned a lot from this build. I know that those men who lived in the mid 1800's were far more knowledgeable of matters they considered important, than I am of attempting to build a tool that was part of their life.