Thanks everyone for your support and congratulations. Dixon's was a lot of fun this year and our new space worked out very well. ALR members Ed Wenger, Tom Curran, Mitch Yates, John Cholin, Ian Pratt, Mary Ellen Pratt, Eric Ewing, Mark Elliot, Dave Price, Eric Von Aschwege, my brother Nils, and I were very busy with demos and seminars. I think we packed in good crowds of interested folks. In addition, ALR members TommyG , John Guido, and Larry Fiorillo were awarded ribbons in the judging. TommyG virtually swept all the blue ribbons including best of class in journeyman class for his fine Dickert-style rifle. John Guido won several ribbons in the apprentice class for his fine rifle. Larry won one of the judges choice ribbons for his phenomenal "hair-out" hunting pouch. All of them had much more competition in their classes than I did. I believe TommyG has been mentored by Mark Whelan and John by Ed Wenger. Mark and Ed should be very proud of their students. We owe Brenda Dixon tremendous thanks for setting us up in such a good facility and Dennis for underwriting some of the cost. Finally, every ALR member who taught or attended our demos owes Tom Curran (Acer) a huge thanks for organizing and coordinating the ALR demo and Dixon's seminar program. Tom and Brenda are the main players that keep this valuable program going every year. I hope I did not miss mentioning any ALR members who won ribbons or helped with the demos and seminars. If I did, please don't be bashful and set the record straight. Thanks again everyone. I enjoyed meeting many of you and hope we continue to see you every year.