Being it is a .32 cal & you are fairly sure you didn't short start it, My guess is it is a chattermark from the reamer. If the power fluctuates much at all while they ream the barrel, it makes the reamer chatter from the speed change of the maching going off & then surge coming back on & it will cause this. I have had 4 barrels that had this at dif. times in the past 10 years, and they were brand new barrels....... Which is why when I buy a barrel now, be it one of 6 at a time. EVERY one is debreeched & checked for breechface/plug fit, then swabbed with a Tight jag/patch to insure the barrel is as perfect as I can feel & see.
And it could have a ring in it & it not be visible or measurable on the outside of the barrel,
IF this was caused by the reamer, because the reamer deflection would not show on the outside of the barrel.
That being said, you have 3 options.
1: Shoot it as is & take your chances. It is a .32 cal & IMHO, light charges will never be an issue.
2: Send it to Green Mtn. and let them check it & get their opinion. They may replace it & then you get to rebarrel the rifle & fit it to the rifle. Not fun sometimes.
3: Send it to Bobby Hoyt & let him check it & if he finds it OK, let him recut the rifling & he can make that puppy slick & smooth as a whistle...... I sent him a couple barrels a while back & they came back like brand new. Not a round bottom cut like they had, but very nice job & saved the barrels at a reasonable price..
IF you are loading with a vent pick in the vent while loading, you could have short started it. One time I was shooting a .40 cal & loaded it as such & leaned the rifle against the bench with the range rod in it sicking up out of the barrel & while standing there, the rangerod rose out of the barrel about 5-6" !!!! I thought I was seeing things. So I asked the guy I was talking to if he saw that. He said Yes, but I thought I was nuts. I checked & pushed it back down & it came up 2". Took the tight
tapered vent pick vent pick out &
then pushed the ball down. Shot it, tried it again.... same thing. Keep in mind this was a really tight ball/patch combo with grease, but it happened.And that was the last time I put a vent pick in tight when loading also.
You CAN compress a load & air into a sealed space & the compression move the ball.......... The same way a CO2 discharger works..........
Oh well........ Sorry... Couldn't type it fast enough. You did a 4th option !