Hammer and Chisel Kentucky Rifle engraving ClassIt was great to meet so many of you at Dixon's, and was happy to be able to demonstrate graver sharpening to you. Many of you expressed an interest in the tools and the engraving class I'm teaching in September. (Note that you don't need to take the class to get the tools. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of hands-on, person to person education when it comes to engraving)
The class will be held at Southern Ohio Workshops this Sept 24 to 26. This is on a first come-first served basis, so please visit Southern Ohio Workshop site for the class description. There are currently openings in the SECOND session, which is Sept 24 to 26. Link to class:
https://www.southernohioartisanworkshops.com/engraving-workshop.html For info on booking the class, pricing, accommodations and other useful info, please visit this link:
https://www.southernohioartisanworkshops.com/request-information.htmlYou will learn how to successfully sharpen your graver, and be able to repeat this feat, made easy with the Lindsay Template system, photographed below. You will get it. Then we will learn to make cuts with the graver, learn hand control, depth of cut, how to make smooth turns, and much more. Drawing your patterns, making transfers from a laser print onto your plate, breathing life into your engraving, and some simple border work.
Please understand that this is for beginning engraving, and it's an intensive class. While it takes years of practice and study to become fluent in engraving, these three days are going to get you started, and arm you with enough information and skills to be able to engrave your own rifle.
You will need to purchase some tools for the class, if you don't already have them. If you intend to take the class, do not wait too long to order the tools you need! Sometimes things are backordered, and you won't have them in time for the class. I do bring some spare tools. For a tool list and questions about the class, please contact me at
thoscurran(at)gmail(dot)com or PM me on the ALR messaging. Please include your email.
I hope to see you in September...if not, next July at Dixon's!
Basic tools needed. You may already have some of these in your shop.