When I first saw Herman Rupp's 1793 rifle, I kinda fell in love with it. Then I found that several supply houses had kits to build one. Wow - my chance for a beautiful rifle - love to make things/ Made a lot of the kind that we don't speak of here, but never a flint lock.
So, I got my kit from MBS. Terry Jo and Ryan were both friendly and helpful. Shortly, I received the kit and things, and started in on it.
It was partially pre-carved, and the barrel channel cut in, but not fitted.
So, Eager Beaver here got busy and inletted that octagon to round, .45 cal barrel. Did a pretty fair job of that and the lock inletting.
But - remember that I had only seen a few pictures of that masterpiece.
Today I received my disc from KRA with all the Lehigh pics. And found that every one of them has a tang with what I call an "acorn" shape. And mine has a tapered tang that ends flat!
Can only fault myself for a failure to do thorough research.
So, how to correct? My idea is to take some of the left-over steel from building airplanes (4130), and silver-solder it on the end of the tang, then cut the correct shape, then inlet the result.
Comments and ideas greatly appreciated!
Maybe if I didn't rush into this quite so quickly...…. Not the end of the world, just the end of Craig's tang!