Mr. Bill Loughrige will be ramrodding this event. He has been running the Phoenix end of the now defunct Western Nationals for at least the past ten years.
Who will be providing the "front money" to put this event on and who will stand the loss if it fails. I've heard it was cancelled due to losses approaching $8k per event.
Well it didn't take long for negativity to come out on this subject.
I am not going to go into recriminations over why the NMLRA losses money.
They had a go at it for over twenty years and their day is done.
With all due respect, where the " seed money" comes from or who stands to lose, is none of your concern . It is Mr. Loghrige's concern.
The NMLRA financial problems are not going to end by the cancelling of the Western Nationals.
We are going to have a shoot. We have volunteers ready to step in to make this event happen.
We are planning on success.
For those who have never been to the now defunct Western Nationals. You will be in for a treat. The Ben Avery range is a World Class facility. It is one of the premier ranges in the United States.
I will end this post by quoting a line from one the late Jim Morrison's song "The West is the best , you get here and we will do the rest"