I have not noticed a POI shift. I must be lucky.
Good luck
MNpo Scota - you are not lucky - you are using good bench and offhand shooting techniques.
That is all part of learning.
If there is a modern bench -rest match near you - go to it, not to watch them shoot tiny groups, but to lean bench techniques.
There is more to it, than sitting down and shooting over a rest.
Seat height to the bench. What sort of rest are you using.
Angle to the target, foot position, head position, elbows and how you hold your shoulders - and breathe - how, when, when to hold,
how long to hold the sight picture before letting the shot go - when to sit up and take a few deep breaths instead of firing.
Bench Rest techniques. There are probably a number of books & articles on that as well as offhand shooting.