I built two pistols last year. The first was from a kit that my customer supplied. Very easy build, the walnut took the high-gloss finish well, and he was happy with the result.
The second was not from a kit. Had a good piece of Oregon walnut, fixed up a 16+" barrel. My son was delighted with it, shows it off to everyone. I put square checkering on the butt, with silver buttons in the middle of each square. You do have to use two hands, one on the butt, and one on the forestock, but it shoots very well.
The problem with both is that they were percussion. So, for a flinter, I am building an MBS "Herman Rupp" kit. Health probs makes the work very slow, but I am sure enjoying the heck out of the build.
And yes, I would like to build a few more pistols. The skills that I have been learning will stand me in good stead.