Similar thing happened up here with the Primitive Moose Hunt. Many people bought cheap ml's just to get another month's hunting extension to hopefully fill their freezers.
They used conical slugs in round ball twist barrels then "graduated" to an inline gun when they were introduced, just so they could easily mount scopes. Ultimately, these "hunters" lost moose that eventually died when shot with tumbling (after impact) unstable bullets, as well as those shot (poorly) with jacketed pistol bullets caused the closure of that hunting season. The game branch would over fly the area find dead moose, then land and cut them open to find the bullets. They came to the conclusion ML's were not powerful enough to kill & retrieve moose. One of the officers told us (Taylor, Brad &myself) this sad story of lost moose, that happened every year. He also noted that most trucks checked that year, had 3 "hunters", sharing 1 bolt-actioned ML but also having a .30/06 or .300 mag "for wolves". He said "THAT IS THE LAST STRAW". There will be no special moose hunt next year.