Author Topic: Shell & Earley 157 20181119-1  (Read 5145 times)

Offline Mark Elliott

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Shell & Earley 157 20181119-1
« on: January 01, 2019, 04:18:52 AM »


If for no other reason, this rifle should be retained in the library due to its apparent untouched, original condition.  A Amos Earley and a J. Shell both worked in West Hanover, Dauphin county, PA. although their listings are a bit later than one might expect for this rifle. The Shell family had been in that area since the late 18th century.  Obviously there is a relationship between these two men and the  J. Sneevley referred to with the next rifle as the patchboxes are virtually identical except for the level of engraving. Also the numbering of the rifles on the side plates, only 10 numbers apart. Interestingly, on page 344 of Kauffman's book there is a photo of a Christian Siple rifle with the same patchbox and architecture.  He is listed in the Lancaster tax list of 1802 working with Jacob Haeffer and then in the 1808 tax list in Middelton, Dauphin county, PA.  Dauphin county was taken from Lancaster county.  One must wonder is there is some master / apprentice relationship involved or perhaps worked together at some time or at least a close familiarity with each other's work,