Author Topic: NWTF " JAKES DAY "  (Read 2342 times)

Offline Michigan Flinter

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« on: June 15, 2009, 01:43:59 AM »
  I helped out yesterday with the  National Wild Turkey Federation's "Jake's Day " .We had 611 registered kids come through and I think 99 % of them shot the Muzzleloaders" It was a long day but very enjoyable exposing the kids to shooting a muzzleloader and the parents to a new sport. Hopefully a few will come over to our club and check it out. We used .32 cal. Traditions rifles using 20 grains of fake blackpowder .310 balls with a .015 patch.  It makes my heart smile when you see the look on their face after they hit the target. If you get a chance to do something  like this take the time and do it.  Eric D. Lau Riverdale Mi.