The classes were great!!!!!
I enjoyed the wire/inlay class, it was the first time I attempted to do wire inlay work. After I got into the rhythm of stamping in the grove for the wire it went pretty fast.
I cut out my cheekpiece star with a cold chisel rather then a jewelers saw and it was somewhat labor intensive. I'm sure I was not doing it the way you would have done it, missed your instruction. I will say that my Quaker stock was the hardest and densest piece of maple I have ever worked!! I finished it with number 4 cut file and raised the grain one time and the wood had a shine like it was burnished when it was done.
Ron did a great job teaching the class, he had some pictures of the Jaeger rifle he is going to offer next year; I think I may give it a try.
Mark did an outstanding job with the engraving class. I can finally sharpen a graver correctly!!!! That in itself was worth the cost of the class. Several of Marks former students dropped in to check on our' hotdog' engraving progress. I will say than the airconditioning worked very well in his room, I almost went out and bought a long sleeve shirt to stay warm.
Wallaces seminars on Virginia rifles were fantastic there was more information than I can remember. I left with information overload hope he gets the book published.
Hope you are feeling better we missed you company.