Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the tightest of us all.
In order to promote economy in the shooting sports, what things do you do to achieve that end? How cheap can you get?
I'll start this off with; I sometimes re-use my target staples, shooting patches and always of course, lead.
It'll be interesting to see if anyone can beat "reusing staples"
For me, the biggest single expense besides the R/T gasoline costs, is the cost of shooting 50 lead balls about every Saturday...a box of Hornady .58cal balls cost $15.00.
By experimenting I've found that a .58cal shoots common everyday 9/16" solid glass marbles as accurately as Hornady balls to 25-30 yards...and they only cost a penny apiece...so instead of throwing away $15.00 worth of lead balls every Saturday, 50 marbles costs me .50 cents.
Where a Saturday range trip used to cost $25-$30 for gas and lead balls depending on caliber, I now do most of my fun shooting with the .58cal using marbles so the only big cost is $16 worth of gas...huge savings.
Cleaning / wiping patches are made out of old cotton clothing around the house...T-shirts, flannel shirts, PJs, nightgowns, etc;
Cleaning and oiling rags are from old washcloths / towels;
For targets I buy a big stack of the cheapest paper plates I can find at K-Mart...then I order commercial size rolls of 1000 1", 2", and 3" round high visibility stickers to use as bullseyes for different distances.