I understand completely. I live in Southern California and, as far as I am concerned, this whole place is either a crime scene or a crime seen waiting to happen. There are very nice areas that are targeted because they are very nice areas....and then there are not so nice areas that are a constant target. I have had my car broken into in my driveway, had things stolen out of the garage when the door was up for a bit, and the house burglarized. About two months ago, while stopped at the light on a freeway off ramp, all of a sudden my car gets thrown hard to the left, parts are flying everywhere, an SUV flys by the right side of my car followed immediately by an LAPD squad car. The SUV that hit me, now with both front wheels folded under its frame, comes to a smoking stop in the intersection in front of me and a guy jumps out and flees across a busy freeway with two LAPD officers in hot pursuit. Turns out, the officers were chasing a guy who was robbing a nearby house. He jumped into his stolen car to get away and got on the freeway. When he tried to get back off the freeway, the bad guy decided that, even though there were three lanes of cars waiting for the light all stopped and about 4 feet apart, he would try, at 60 miles an hour, to jam his 6 foot wide vehicle between us, muscle us all out of the way, and keep going. What he managed to do was destroy the stolen vehicle he was driving, take the right side off my car and the side off the lady in front of me, and wipe out the left side of two cars in the lane to my right. And he got away ! So, I understand completely about not making a target out of yourself ! It's bad enough that you have to live in a high crime area for work (and I was in the Navy for 26 years and I had to live in some very sketchy places as well) without advertising that you have something to steal. I like the case you picked out.....and the spare cheap rod and tackle box make for good cover.
As an aside, my youngest daughter is a country singer in Nashville TN ( (She's the brunette in the duo) As a consequence, I am in Nashville from time to time and, as others have mentioned about living in more rural areas, it is a whole different world than So Cal. My wife and I took my daughter and a couple of her young friends out to dinner and we got on the topic of traffic, taxes, and crime in Southern California. One young lady in the group, Meredith, was from a very rural area of North Carolina and, with a serious look on her face, looked right at me and asked (in a beautiful melodic southern drawl), "Why do y'all live there ?" That conversation was a few years ago now......and I am still trying to come up with an answer to Meridith's question.......