This issue is not difficult to repair, but it may take you some time and disassemble and re-assemble the lock several time during the fix.
The angle of the full cock notch should be a straight line through the axis of the tumbler, and the nose of the sear must match that. From your lovely balck and white photo of the sear, I see that it's sharp upper edge is polished round. That leaves only the bottom part of the sear's nose to engage the notch in the tumbler, which looks adequate. Very careful work with a three sided stone in the tumbler notch will return it to being square with a tangent drawn across the tumbler's circumference. Lacking a stone, use 320 or 400 grit abrasive paper or cloth backed with a safe sided three square file. Use a very light touch, and examine the progress under magnification frequently. Do not deepen the full cock notch. Once you're satisfied with the tumbler, work on the sear's nose to make it match. Install the tumbler and sear without the bridle to ensure those angles are exactly the same. I think you'll be surprised how satisfying it will be to have remedied this yourself.