I’m with the ‘it doesn’t bother me” crowd with a small caveat. I like to know how much ‘love’ was put into a build by the builder, and by extension, how much skill they have executing a particular school, and I do categorize my buys like that. I don’t see it as a fraud thing, but as a full information thing. I know it’s a bit of splitting hairs but it is a consideration in my buys, depending on what I’m after, but it isn’t a deal breaker, one way or the other.
Saying all that, I think, like someone said, it is a matter of scale, most builders don’t do their own barrel or ramrod channels, then there’s Chambers and Track, etc. kits, then Kibler, (it seems to me) so I don’t really know where the line is drawn where I need disclosure. It’s an interesting question, but in the end, and academic one.